Carson Dunaway's Primitive Survival Trip

     For my M-Term Wilderness Survival Skills, I had an objective. I wanted one day to fish enough fish for everyone to have fish for dinner. Among other minor goals like surviving and getting water, catching and bunch of fish was at the top of my goals list. For me, fishing is always a really fun pastime so I wanted to find a lake or pond and see what all I could catch. I also figured that if I could hone in on an important survival skill such as fishing, I could better prepare myself for situations in the future. Since we arrived at Sam Houston National Forest around mid day there wasn't any time to focus any energy or time on fishing. We had to unpack, find water and most importantly make or find shelter. Although while searching for water we found a small pond. Now I knew where I could fish and hopefully soon I would find out what I would be fishing. Well after finishing everything else we needed to do on day one, as expected there was no time to fish. Most of us hadn't even finished our shelters before sun was starting to set and we needed to make dinner. There was definitely no time for fishing. Day one still ended up being a ton of fun and now with my shelter personally being built, I could focus my time on fishing the next day. 

    Now it was day two. After sleeping in and having breakfast most students continued to work on their shelters. I however went out with Dr. Lamell and Nurse McDonald to the pond where we would spend our time fishing. We brought bait, (our chicken innards from last night) Lamells fishing poles, and a type of fishing tool I had never heard of, a snare. We walked to the pond where for a couple hours I practiced with the new tool and then I moved over to the fishing rods which I had more success with and we actually caught some fish. In the end, they were not successful in catching enough fish for everyone for dinner that night. In fact, I only caught one fish. A bass. A bass that was half the minimum weight to eat. So after the catch, we let it go and practiced with our remaining bait. I got nibbles and near snags throughout the next hour but no more big catches. My friend Trey caught his own fish as well which lucky for him didn't have a minimum weight to be eaten so he got to take it back to camp and cook it over a fire. So unfortunately I did not achieve my goal but in the end, I still caught some fish and had a lot of fun so the fishing experience was still very enjoyable for me. 

    Overall I had a really good trip that I would sign up for again next year and plan on encouraging other students to join as well. 


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