Day 1 - REI and Shelter Research [Rose]

 Hellooooooooo everybody! Today is the first day of the Primitive Survival M Term! Today we were introduced to the course and a brief overview of survival skills, as well as discussing our hopes for the term. We became certified by Leave No Trace as a group, learning survival and conservation etiquitte.

 After lunch we went to REI to buy a water filter, as well as an outdoor gas stove. For the rest of the afternoon we researched and presented on different styles of shelters. Sabrina taught us about lean-tos, Rachel explained tarp shelters, Eli explained supported structures, and Carson presented on Bivvy Sacks. For my presentation I taught about traditional Caddo houses, using a recreation project built in 2015 as an example. Today was really just an introductory day, but fun nonetheless. All of us are really looking forward to the campout next week! 


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