Day 5: Foraging {Sab}
Today we began the morning by working on more tools and researching the wildlife we might find in Sam Houston National Forest. The real star activity of the day, however, was our foraging tour with Mark Vorderbruggen, owner of Forage Texas. A professional forager and all around knowledgeable guy, Mark walked around the neighborhood and centennial garden telling us about the various kinds of edible plants we walk by everyday! Here are some of our favorites:
Wood Sorrel
Often mistaken for white clover, wood sorrel grows three pronged heart shaped leaves, yellow and purple flowers, and has a lemony sour taste. The leaves are the key distinction for this plant as clovers have much rounder leaves that often have white striations throughout. Every time we saw wood sorrel we couldn't help but eat it. I highly recommend trying it!
Sow Thistle:
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